Sunday, May 29, 2016

Financial Crisis: Causes and Recovery Plans Krisis Kewangan: Punca dan Plan Pemulihan by Choong Li Fatt and Hoe Li Ting

Financial Crisis: Causes and Recovery Plans Krisis Kewangan: Punca dan Plan Pemulihan
by Choong Li Fatt and Hoe Li Ting

The Asian financial crisis began in Thailand and spread to almost all ASEAN countries including Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan and the South Korea in mid-1997. During the crisis peak, all crisis-hit countries experience currency devaluation, crash of stock markets and the depreciation of assets. After the attack on the Thai currency on July 8, 1997, Malaysia was under attack by currency speculators that led to comprehensive sales in the stock market and exchange market. KLSE index plummeted from 1,200 points to below 600 points, the ringgit declined by 50% from RM 2.50 to RM 4.10 per dollar.

            The factor that caused financial crisis was speculative attacks. The Malaysian economy was vulnerable due to the unsustainable pace of economic growth and over-valued exchange rates. The relationship between firms, government and banks in Malaysia in the financial crisis period cannot be described as good compared to other Asian countries. There was no clear policy on directed lending to big firms, and to that extent one cannot say that the financial constraints on big firms were weak. The government came out with a high growth policy based on a high ratio of investments to gross domestic product complemented with the promotion and support of certain mega projects, which led to implicit assumptions by lenders that the government would not let those projects fail, which was helped by lending decisions by bankers based on not only a project’s cash flow but also on collateral and implied government support. The over-investment was fuelled by an aggregated demand to outstrip aggregated supply, with a consequently persistent external deficit. Moreover, it had also led to a poorer cash flow and more problems of loans.
The Malaysian government established the National Economic Action Council (NEAC) on 7 January 1998 as a consultative body to the Cabinet to deal with the economic problems inflicted by the crisis. The purpose of the NEAC is to formulate an integrated strategy to overcome the crisis and restore the Malaysian economy back onto its growth path. In late July 1998 the NEAC launched the National Economic Recovery Plan (NERP) which recommends wide-ranging proposals for economic stabilization, recovery and structural reform. The action taken by Malaysian government to overcome the financial crisis was stabilising the exchange rate. The ringgit was fixed at 3.80 to the US dollar, thus ending the previous flexible exchange rate system. This put an end to currency fluctuations and speculation. It allowed the macroeconomic policies to be implemented, and prevented a possible debt servicing crisis, which could have occurred if the ringgit had depreciated to below a certain level. 

Krisis kewangan Asia bermula dari Thailand dan merebak ke hampir semua negara ASEAN termasuk Malaysia, Indonesia, Jepun dan Republik Korea pada pertengahan tahun 1997. Semasa krisis memuncak, semua negara yang dilanda krisis mengalami kejatuhan nilai matawang dan nilai pasaran saham serta kejatuhan nilai aset. Selepas serangan matawang di Thailand pada 8 Julai 1997, Malaysia pula diserang oleh penyangak matawang yang membawa kepada jualan menyeluruh di pasaran saham dan pasaran tukaran wang. Indeks KLSE menjunam dari 1,200 mata kepada paras di bawah 600 mata, nilai ringgit merosot sebanyak 50% daripada RM2.50 kepada RM4.10 bagi setiap dollar.
            Faktor yang menyebabkan krisis kewangan ialah serangan spekulatif. Ekonomi Malaysia terdedah disebabkan oleh pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tidak mampan dan kadar pertukaran terlebih nilai. Hubungan antara firma, kerajaan dan bank-bank di Malaysia dalam tempoh krisis kewangan tidak baik berbanding dengan negara-negara Asia yang lain. Seterusnya, tidak mempunyai dasar yang jelas pada pinjaman ditujukan kepada firma-firma besar, dan kepada tahap itu kita tidak boleh mengatakan bahawa kekangan kewangan di firma-firma besar lemah. Kerajaan mengeluarkan dasar pertumbuhan tinggi berdasarkan nisbah yang tinggi pelaburan kepada keluaran dalam negara kasar dilengkapi dengan mempromosi dan menyokong projek-projek mega tertentu, yang membawa kepada andaian tersirat oleh pemberi pinjaman bahawa kerajaan tidak akan membiarkan projek-projek gagal. Pelaburan yang melebihi didorong oleh permintaan agregat untuk melebihi penawaran agregat berlakunya defisit berterusan. Selain itu, ia juga membawa kesan buruk kepada aliran tunai dan pinjaman.
Kerajaan Malaysia menubuhkan Majlis Tindakan Ekonomi Negara (MTEN) pada 7 Januari 1998 sebagai badan perundingan kepada Jemaah Menteri untuk menangani masalah ekonomi yang dikenakan oleh krisis. Tujuan NEAC adalah untuk merangka satu strategi bersepadu untuk mengatasi krisis dan memulihkan ekonomi Malaysia kembali ke jalan pertumbuhannya. Pada akhir bulan Julai 1998, NEAC melancarkan Pelan Pemulihan Ekonomi Negara (PPEN) yang mencadangkan luas cadangan untuk penstabilan ekonomi, pemulihan dan pembaharuan struktur. Tindakan yang diambil oleh kerajaan Malaysia untuk mengatasi krisis kewangan adalah menstabilkan kadar pertukaran. Ringgit telah ditetapkan pada 3.80 berbanding dolar AS, sekali gus menamatkan sistem kadar pertukaran fleksibel sebelumnya. Ini menamatkan turun naik mata wang dan spekulasi. Ia membolehkan dasar-dasar ekonomi makro yang akan dilaksanakan, dan menghalang kemungkinan krisis khidmat hutang, yang boleh berlaku jika ringgit telah susut kepada bawah paras tertentu.
            Selain itu, kerajaan telah menggunakan dasar fiskal berkembang untuk memulihkan ekonomi. Pada bulan Julai 1998, ia melancarkan pakej rangsangan fiskal sebanyak RM2 bilion yang ternyata bajet daripada lebihan sebanyak 2.5 peratus daripada KDNK pada tahun 1997 kepada defisit sebanyak 1.8 peratus pada tahun 1998 dan 3.2 peratus pada tahun 1999.


  1. Thank you very much, it is very helpful!

  2. Thank you for your information. :)

  3. A brief and detailed account of the Asian Financial Crisis. Well done.

  4. Will it really put an end to the currency fluctuations? Mentioned above, "The ringgit was fixed at 3.80 to the US dollar". But, recently it dropped below 4.00MYR to 1.00US dollar.

  5. Well done!! Thank you so much for the info!!

  6. This is very helpful. Thanks for the info. Well done!

  7. thanks for the info. Its helpful

  8. Excellent write up.looking forward to hear your opinions and views on the current Malaysian economic situation.

  9. Did the ringgit speculation really put to an end? It was initially MYR 3.00-3.10 against the US dollar in between 2008 to 2012. But it grew to MYR 4.40 against the US dollar in the second quarter of 2015 which it was the highest. So did it really put an end to the speculation? Was it the cause of pegging in the early 2015? But overall is good.

  10. Good job! a very useful info

  11. Thanks for the information!

    Wish to got more detail information on ringgit fixed at 3.80 to the US dollar.

  12. Good information for the solution of financial crisis.thanks

  13. Good information for the solution of financial crisis.thanks

  14. wow, good sharing... thanks =)

  15. ggwp.. very nice explaination. credit to editor

  16. thanks for the sharing of these information. I appreciated your clear writing on the detail of financial crisis and look forward to reading your next informative work. Thank you

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  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. thanks for the information. Its so helpful!

  20. Thanks a lot. I have a better understanding now.

  21. Excellent, great explanation.

  22. Thanks fro information..good job..

  23. Thanks for the very good information..well done

  24. great thoughts and very informative :)

  25. Wow, it provide me a fresh and new knowledge

  26. Good explanation. Thank you for sharing...

  27. thanks. the information really helps

  28. Thanks for the info sharing =)

  29. You have cleaely saying out the facts. Thanks for sharing.

  30. You have cleaely saying out the facts. Thanks for sharing.

  31. Wow. This is an insightful and informative article. Thanks for sharing.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Well explained . Good article

  34. Elaborated in a well structured way. Good read. Tq.

  35. Good Job! I have learnt a lot about financial crisis from the description. Keep up the good work! =)

  36. Clear information! it's so useful.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. nice explanation! It's very helpful!

  39. Great insight :) Very useful information.

  40. Awesome,thanks for your sharing.

  41. Good job!! Thanks for sharing =D

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  43. Thanks for sharing the useful information~~

